Become a SSWOC Member

Join SSWOC Today

Joining the Society of STEM Women of Color is an easy way to support this endeavor and become an important part of a nationwide community of women STEM faculty. Various levels of membership are available, and you can choose to renew your membership annually or become a lifetime member. Join today!

Membership Benefits

All members of the Society of STEM Women of Color receive the following benefits:

Networking and Mentorship Opportunities

Gain access to networks of peers. Find a mentor or become a mentor for others.

Voting Eligibility

Vote in national SSWOC elections.

Scholarship Opportunities

Gain access to SSWOC research, participate in SSWOC research, and help SSWOC conduct research.

SSWOC Publications

Electronic access to future SSWOC publications. Coming soon.

Event Discounts

Discounted registration for future SSWOC events and conferences.

Online Community Access

Coming soon.


Membership Fee

Membership Criteria

Lifetime Membership


Members who support the organization at the highest level of membership through their commitment to the vision and mission of SSWOC. These members consist of administrators, industry executives, and individuals in positions to spearhead transformational efforts.



Members who support the organization through their commitment to the vision and mission of SSWOC. These members primarily consist of senior-level career professionals or individuals who are recognized leaders in their field.



Members who wish to support the organization in a large monetary way by providing vital support for our important issues and advocacy work. These members primarily consist of senior to mid-level career professionals or members who are successful in their careers.



Members at the mid- to senior career level. Sustaining members are eligible to vote in national elections



Members in the early professional stages in any employment sector. Members in this category primarily consist of entry-level career professionals as well as postdoctoral scholars.

Contact us if you are interested in a payment plan for Ruby level or above.

Copyright 2018, Society of STEM Women of Color

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